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Search Engine Optimization and Tips

Three Ways to Maintain a Steady Flow of Content Ideas

Quality content is king. It’s what the search engines love, and what some of us feel stuck to produce sometimes. If it makes you feel any better, it’s a struggle that most of us have to accept – as we’re not content machines.

But there are ways by which you can remedy this situation and so here are a few tips by which you can avoid the proverbial writer’s block:

#1: Browse other websites

If you are unable to produce content as you wish you should, it’s probably a good idea to check websites or blogs which create in the same ‘niche’ as you do. In the process, you might be able to find out whether you can add valuable information to the content already created or even create content that might be missing.

#2: Use audio or video

Instead of just sticking to text-related content, it’s a good idea to also produce audio or video posts especially if everyone in your niche is sticking to blogs only. Finding different ways by which you can deliver this content can also help you get out of a rut.

#3: Read comments or browse forums for problems

Reading comments, browsing forums and social media sites will give you content ideas as there are some people who are looking for information or are looking to solve a problem. Interestingly, you can look for what’s most recent in the news as well. All you will have to do is add a new angle to the content, and maintain a repository of ideas in the process.