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Search Engine Optimization and Tips

3 Ways to Discover (and Share) Good Content

Some businesses find it difficult to continuously create fresh (and quality) content to share with their followers and friends whether it is LinkedIn, Facebook or even Twitter.

Of course, it goes without without saying that keeping your followers engaged, by sharing great content, is a good way to stay in touch.

So, here are 3 ways to discover interesting content that you don’t have to create yourself:

#1: News Sites

Probably one of the best places where you can find great content is popular news sites such as The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Huffington Post and so on and so forth. If you peruse through the different categories, you can easily find industry news or content that might be related to your niche.

#2: News Aggregators

These sites usually do a good job of putting together news based on an industry or niche and is a place where you can easily find a whole lot of related content without having to do too much research. Some examples of sites that offer this service include SmartBrief, InBound, AllTop, Popurls and Stuff to Tweet.

#3: Popular Facebook Pages

Another way by which you can find great content is to like and share popular posts made by Facebook pages. If you log in to Facebook regularly, sharing their content, which you can find in the News Feed is probably the easiest thing to do. It’s also just as easy to create an Interest List of pages that you might fancy and view the content that they post from time to time.

#4: Popular and Trending Posts

Both LinkedIn and Twitter have sections that are dedicated to informing their users about what’s trending on the social media site presently. While these might not be directly related to Facebook, you can still share these popular posts, which make for more than decent content, on your Facebook page if you want to.