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Search Engine Optimization and Tips

Tips for being a sucessfull blogger

There’s no get rich quick way with Blogs. Anyway, I’m not exactly an expert but I do have some tips to help Blogger maximize traffic and income.

– Update content as much as you can. The more content the more traffic. Simple as that. It will also keep your readers coming back.

– Unique content, don’t go and copy it of another site. Write some unique articles. Search Engines will love you too.

– Customize your blog. Make your blog stand apart, install plug ins, use different themes.

– Link exchange with other Blogs. This helps increase pagerank and get more traffic.

– Blend Adsense. One of the worst things is when Adsense stands out too much. Try to blend Adsense in.

– Use correct grammar. No one wants to read a Blog that’s got bad English and that’s hard to understand.